this was totally my favorite song, and too see the music vid mimicked on weeble and bob made my day complete! Excellent paper animation too..
this was totally my favorite song, and too see the music vid mimicked on weeble and bob made my day complete! Excellent paper animation too..
beatifully random!
really stupendous flow and movement. i really enjoyed the flying toast and the fuel inefficient moon. keep up the good work!
really good music timing going on there. made me want to create my own music flash.
i really liek teh clean-cube feel to it! really original and quite weird...which makes it excellent in my opinion!
holy cow! good animation and plot- i was thinking "oh how sweet and sad" and then bang! the kid shot him. I practically spit out my soda on the computer! all in all a very sucessful 8/10. bravo
Jazzy, yet musically challenged
Joined on 9/13/09